Forest Medicine Councils, 2024-25

Welcome to a series of online SNFTI Sweden-Norway Forest Medicine Councils, featuring teachings, conversations, and Q&A sessions on Forest Bathing, Forest Therapy, and key practices in the realms of nature connection. 



Forest Medicine Councils by Scandinavian Nature and Forest Therapy (SNFTI) Sweden-Norway


Welcome to a series of online SNFTI Forest Medicine Councils featuring teachings, conversations, and Q&A sessions on Forest Bathing, Forest Therapy, and key practices in the realms of nature connection. We will explore topics such as the Path of the Guide, Forest Therapy methodologies, conducting Tea Ceremonies, and other paths to healing our separation from nature.

Most welcome to find the event and SIGN UP HERE!


The SNFTI Forest Medicine Councils are a special invitation for anyone interested in the Art of Forest Bathing. They are a valuable preparation for those planning to join any of our Forest Therapy Guide Trainings in 2025 and a valuable resource for certified guides. Designed to accompany your journey through the Forest Bathing &  Forest Therapy Guide Training, these circles offer both preparatory insights and in-depth discussions. We highly recommend them for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding and practice.

Let’s come together to share, listen, and explore topics closely related to our paths as Forest Bathing and Forest Therapy guides. We will also invite special guest speakers (TBA). Each conversation opens with a guided embodiment meditation and ends with a sharing circle. You are also welcome to join our SNFTI WhatsApp group for sharing inspiration, resources, and other practices. You´ll receive all necessary info at sign-up.

Event Details

  • Schedule: Five Forest Medicine Councils from September 2024 to February 2025.
  • Languages: Sessions will be held in Swedish/Norwegian or English if needed.
  • Hosts: Petra Ellora Cau Wetterholm (SNFTI Sweden) and Caroline Hargreaves (SNFTI Norway)
  • Platform: We will gather on Zoom, available both as a web feature and an app. This enable you to bring your fully charged device into nature for an optimal experience or cozy up inside by the virtual (or real) fire and join the circle. All circles will be recorded, so you can watch them when you feel the most receptive. Your zoom-link will be available after sign-up.


  • Free of charge for Certified SNFTI guides.
  • 350kr per council for those who have not attended an SNFTI training.
  • Special Offer #1: Commit to all five circles for a discounted rate
  • Special offer #2: Sign up for a training in 2025, you´ll get a 50% refund (of payment for councils )
  • Payments are made through Stripe.

We look forward to sharing this experience with you!


Hosts: Petra Ellora Cau Wetterholm (SNFTI Sweden) and Caroline Hargreaves (SNFTI Norway)

Petra Ellora Cau Wetterholm är grundare och verksamhetsledare för Scandinavian Nature and Forest Therapy Institute (SNFTI) och Shinrin-Yoku Sweden. Hon är verksam som legitimerad Psykolog, som Certifierad Natur och Skogsterapiguide, utbildare och handledare. Grundutbildningen gick hon vid Association of Nature and Forest Therapy (ANFT), och blev den första i Norden att utbilda sig inom skogsbad och skogsterapi. Under flera år har hon engagerat sig för att utveckla Skogsbad och Skogsterapi i samhället och ta fram en vetenskapligt baserad metod, både för blivande guider och för att kunna integrera naturbaserad behandling i hälso- och sjukvård. Det som i hög grad har påverkat Petras inriktning är den naturkontakt som följt henne genom livet, bakgrunden inom konstnärligt skapande och de många år hon vistats i heltidsretreat på ett Zenbuddhistiskt tempel. Petra har undervisat nationellt och internationellt, är återkommande gästlärare på SLU samt har presenterat sitt arbete på ett flertal events och konferenser.

Caroline Hargreaves er assisterende leder for utdanningen til Sertifisert Skogsbadguide og ledende lærer for spesialiseringen innen Seremoni og Ritual, innen utdanningen til Sertifisert Skogsterapiguide. Hun har sin utdanning til Sertifisert Skogsterapiguide gjennom den amerikanske organisasjonen ANFT. Caroline er representant og leder for SNFTI i Norge og driver retreat senteret Finnskogen Retreat. Caroline er også medgrunnlegger for Norwegian Sage, en portal for naturbevissthet og regenerativ ledelse. Hun har bakgrunn fra statsvitenskap og økoterapi, og tilbyr overgangsritualer og livsveiledning.